I read about Piran a long time back and fell madly in love with it. As a matter of fact, it was a very intriguing destination for me and was always on my Bucket List. However, I must tell you beforehand, Piran is not an easy place to reach with Public Transport but also not impossible. Of course, if you have a car, it could be a breeze. To sum up, a day trip from Ljubljana to Piran is absolutely perfect.
More about Piran...
Piran is neither modern nor touristic. It is a tiny and peaceful little coastal town at the edge of Slovenia, adorned with narrow alleyways, medieval buildings, and a view to die for. It is one of those towns you read about or see in old movies. For instance, there are not many tourist or souvenir shops in the town. However, the laid-back pace and rawness of the place define its charm and romanticism.
Getting there...
I had made sure to keep a day aside to visit Piran during our trip to Slovenia. It is a short day-trip from Ljubljana to Piran. We took the bus from Ljubljana in the morning and the same bus back in the evening since there was no other way to return. This was in Autumn but the bus timings could be different in Summer. The good part was that we had a whole day to explore.
You could buy your tickets in advance from one of the ticket machines at the bus-stop at Ljubljana.
Tip: Do not trust Google Maps in Slovenia because things work here in the old way. For example, the best way is to go to the information desk at the station or bus stop and take a Paper Brochure with all the bus timings. In fact, this helped me throughout my trip to Slovenia.
Tip: It is wise to reach the bus stand at least 30-45 mins before departure. The buses are punctual but if there is a long queue, you may lose out on the seats and wait for the next bus which could be after a couple of hours or not there at all.

Our trip from Ljubljana to Piran...
The way from Ljubljana to Piran was quite picturesque. We noticed a very laid-back attitude in the people and the places. For instance, everyone was friendly and helpful. We had started quite early from Ljubljana to Piran and reached after a long 3-hour bus ride. It started to rain on the way. However, it only made the roads look even more romantic. The bus stop was right next to the sea, by the Port. Truthfully, the moment we got down, we set foot in a fairy tale setting.
Tartini Square
After that, we made our way through one of the winding cobbled streets to explore the old town. Firstly, we passed through Tartini Square which is the main square of the city where all the restaurants and shops are located. In addition, the square boasts a statue of the famous violinist Tartini instead of a warrior on horseback that is very common in the rest of Europe.
Tower of St. George
Next, we made our way to our first stop, the Tower of St. George which is the main attraction of the place. In fact, it is visible from almost all parts of the town. So, we slowly made our way through the labyrinth-like streets. The admission fee to the tower was 2 euros but boy the views were so much more than worth it. After that, a long climb of 146 steps through a narrow, wooden staircase brought us right to the top of the tower. Soon after, we had this mind-blowing view all to ourselves. As a matter of fact, you can see Slovenia, Italy, and Croatia on a clear day. Later, we took these shots from the bell tower.
Old City Wall
After descending the stairs, we took a short rest stop at one of the benches near the tower. Thereafter, we had our eyes on a pathway made by the sea which we later found out to be the Old City Wall. We took a long walk along the wall.
Monastery and Alleys
In addition, the rain just added to the charm of this romantic walk that we took thereafter. Of course, the views were dreamlike. After that, we saw the Monastery from far which looked like quite a place. But we were short on time so decided to skip it. Naturally, we took some photos followed by admiring the views.
Fun fact: There was nobody when we visited the top of the tower and the walk along the City Wall. Therefore, we basically had the whole place to ourselves which made it kind of personal and more romantic.
Slowly, we made our way back to the Port and near the bus station. Meanwhile, the same bus and the driver greeted us. Soon after, he asked if we had our fill of Piran. Of course, we told him we were definitely coming back and staying a few days. He just smiled and finished his cigarette. In conclusion, we were kind of impressed and a little sad on the way back. But of course, we could come back and enjoy this beauty sometime in the future.
What to eat...
There are a couple of fish restaurants near the port which may be worth trying. There are also some restaurants near Tartini Square. But best of all, there are some amazing bakeries in every corner.
Where to stay...
Piran is definitely worth staying a whole weekend or more but a day trip from Ljubljana to Piran is also worthwhile. The beaches in the neighborhood get crowded in summer. Also, Hotel Piran has wonderful views and a place to consider. There are also several hotels and Airbnbs in the vicinity. Both the Old town and the Port are equally appealing places to stay in.
Activities and Budget

Must Do
- Visit the Tower of St. George for a bird’s eye view of Italy, Croatia, and Slovenia.
- Take a picture with Tartini at the town square.
- Walk along the City wall and admire the views.
- Try some freshly baked bread at the local bakery.
Unique Experience
- Get lost in the labyrinth-like cobbled alleyways in Piran.
- Take a walk along the historic city wall.
- Do get yourself a handmade souvenir from a local artist.
You could easily make a day trip from Ljubljana to Piran with 50 Euros per person excluding souvenirs.